Polvere di cannella di Ceylon biologica

Peso: 250 g

Noto per le sue proprietà antinfiammatorie e antiossidanti.


AntibioticoAntiossidanteRisposta antinfiammatoriaTrue Ceylon Variety, Excellent Taste & Aroma

Informazioni su Polvere di cannella di Ceylon biologica

Our Organic Ceylon Cinnamon is the finely powdered form of the bark of cinnamon trees sourced from Sri Lanka and its nearby regions. It is premium quality cinnamon and is certified organic. It is a powerful and natural superfood with a sweet and delicate flavour. It supports healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It is also known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. 


Energy - 1275 KJ

Carbohydrates -52 g

Saturates - 0.6 g

Sugars - 1.1 g

Protein - 3.8 g

Salt - 0.07 g

Fat - 3.0 g

La nostra polvere di Ceylon alla cannella biologica è adatta ai vegani e senza OGM.È una ricca fonte di calcio, ferro e manganese.Supporta una sana funzione cerebrale, promuove la salute della pelle e presenta proprietà anti-invecchiamento.È la spezia perfetta con un sapore distinto utilizzato in varie cucine.È utile anche per prevenire le infezioni

Il nostro Ceylon alla cannella biologica aggiunge un sapore deciso e aromatico a vari piatti. Aggiungendo solo un pizzico di questa polvere a tè, bevande calde, frappè, e frullati possono esaltarne il gusto. Può anche essere cosparso in curry, zuppe, stufati, risotti e dessert.

Prepara deliziosi chai latte con la cannella di Ceylon

Usalo nella cucina di tutti i giorni

Bevilo con miele grezzo come bevanda disintossicante

Spice Root products are certified organic. By choosing to source our products from organic farms and sustainable producers, we help minimise exposure to harmful chemicals and additives for our consumers, our partners, and the environment.

We recognize the environmental costs of our everyday choices, and we encourage everyone to make more holistic and meaningful lifestyle changes by choosing products that are good for the planet and for one’s health. 

Our ‘farm to table’ supply-chain, with a careful quality control process, ensures that we deliver high quality products that are also Earth positive :)

Eating organic is eating sustainably! 

Organic agriculture is a practice that helps fight soil erosion and degradation, water pollution, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and it does not permit usage of artificial chemicals and additives. It promotes biodiversity, soil health and better health.